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Merchant Account
Comprehensive services focusing on e-commerce and online commerce constitute one of the main segments of international consulting group Lawson&Wang. Our office will always come up with the best solution for you to open a Merchant Account or connect your online store to international payment system integrators.
Comprehensive services focusing on e-commerce and online commerce constitute one of the main segments of international consulting group Lawson&Wang. Our office will always come up with the best solution for you to open a Merchant Account or connect your online store to international payment system integrators.
The mandatory development of a pool of Merchant Accounts (hereinafter referred to as "Trading Accounts") and their acceptance by various acquirers to enable the switching of cash flows on a cascaded basis in the future is the main principle applied by Lawson&Wang to prepare and launch Internet projects.

At the moment, Lawson&Wang's expertise and experience allow not only connecting any online retail outlet selling goods/services in line with applicable laws but also offering a detailed customized solution for almost any innovative project.
All processing centers and acquiring banks whose services we offer allow withdrawing money to non-resident accounts if necessary, including offshore ones.

Costs incurred to source acquiring services for e-businesses of our clients normally do not exceed 4% at the project launch stage and 3.5% at the active sales stage. As practice shows, a number of Merchants who have a long processing history and high turnovers, the cost of services provided directly by their acquiring bank often reduces to 0.7−0.8%.
The mandatory development of a pool of Merchant Accounts (hereinafter referred to as "Trading Accounts") and their acceptance by various acquirers to enable the switching of cash flows on a cascaded basis in the future is the main principle applied by Lawson&Wang to prepare and launch Internet projects.

At the moment, Lawson&Wang's expertise and experience allow not only connecting any online retail outlet selling goods/services in line with applicable laws but also offering a detailed customized solution for almost any innovative project.
All processing centers and acquiring banks whose services we offer allow withdrawing money to non-resident accounts if necessary, including offshore ones.

Costs incurred to source acquiring services for e-businesses of our clients normally do not exceed 4% at the project launch stage and 3.5% at the active sales stage. As practice shows, a number of Merchants who have a long processing history and high turnovers, the cost of services provided directly by their acquiring bank often reduces to 0.7−0.8%.
Merchant Account and Payment Acceptance Organization for Initial Coin Offering
The ICO project market is currently at an active stage of formation of the regulatory framework. At the same time, the level of loyalty to the new projects, as well as to the projects not supported at the level of the local financial regulator in the country of registration of the company is falling markedly in the banking environment.

The key jurisdictions that have actively advanced on the way of legislative activity in this direction are currently Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Singapore and Luxembourg. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages expressed in opportunities of tax optimization of funds deposited, various acceptable forms of licensing, optimal forms of interaction with banks and processing systems.

We will be happy to provide your project with a brief consultation on registration and acceptance of payments within the framework of an ICO, crowdfunding or crowdfunding project both at the stage of a formalized project and to provide assistance in finding a bank that is loyal to accept payments.


Merchant Account and Payment Acceptance Organization for Initial Coin Offering

The ICO project market is currently at an active stage of formation of the regulatory framework. At the same time, the level of loyalty to the new projects, as well as to the projects not supported at the level of the local financial regulator in the country of registration of the company is falling markedly in the banking environment.

The key jurisdictions that have actively advanced on the way of legislative activity in this direction are currently Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Singapore and Luxembourg. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages expressed in opportunities of tax optimization of funds deposited, various acceptable forms of licensing, optimal forms of interaction with banks and processing systems.

We will be happy to provide your project with a brief consultation on registration and acceptance of payments within the framework of an ICO, crowdfunding or crowdfunding project both at the stage of a formalized project and to provide assistance in finding a bank that is loyal to accept payments.
The main obligatory tool of quality control when paying by Visa/MasterCard is a chargeback - the penalty accrued by the bank for justified application for refund. Goods and services referred to high-risk (high-risk, non-conventional) in Internet commerce, i.e. to the objects with risky realization, require from banks to build a specialized work of risk management department for systematic prevention of such penalties. In essence, additional chargeback by banks implements the functions of international legal control in the field of consumer protection, prevention of actions of Internet fraudsters and regulation of copyright relations. Specialization in the work with "chargeback" significantly increases the bank's expenses related to the consideration of applications for refunds and prevention of fraudulent transactions, which is naturally reflected in the increase of the interest rate for payments from cards.

The experience accumulated by Lawson&Wang specialists when starting international internet-projects of different profiles allows us to systematize conditions of the banks that offer acquiring with Visa/MasterCard/DinersClub/AmEx cards for the group of risky goods. We present the proposed conditions within the classification of this group of goods into two categories: i - goods and services, the sale of which is accompanied by the risk of disputing their qualitative parameters, and ii — goods and services, the sale of which is accompanied by the risk of regulatory conflicts.
For high risk merchandise
Merchant Account for high risk merchandise

For high risk merchandise

Merchant Account for high risk merchandise

The main obligatory tool of quality control when paying by Visa/MasterCard is a chargeback - the penalty accrued by the bank for justified application for refund. Goods and services referred to high-risk (high-risk, non-conventional) in Internet commerce, i.e. to the objects with risky realization, require from banks to build a specialized work of risk management department for systematic prevention of such penalties.

In essence, additional chargeback by banks implements the functions of international legal control in the field of consumer protection, prevention of actions of Internet fraudsters and regulation of copyright relations. Specialization in the work with "chargeback" significantly increases the bank's expenses related to the consideration of applications for refunds and prevention of fraudulent transactions, which is naturally reflected in the increase of the interest rate for payments from cards.

The experience accumulated by Lawson&Wang specialists when starting international internet-projects of different profiles allows us to systematize conditions of the banks that offer acquiring with Visa/MasterCard/DinersClub/AmEx cards for the group of risky goods.

We present the proposed conditions within the classification of this group of goods into two categories: i - goods and services, the sale of which is accompanied by the risk of disputing their qualitative parameters, and ii - goods and services, the sale of which is accompanied by the risk of regulatory conflicts.
Decisions for all merchant accounts can be made for a legal entity incorporated in a classic offshore zone or in the European Union
For receiving orders by mail or telephone
Merchant Account for receiving orders by mail or telephone
Merchant acquiring for small and medium-sized businesses with Visa/MasterCard can be performed by mail or telephone without creating a web-site, which is currently the easiest and fastest way to organize payments. In international payment systems, this type of acquiring transaction is called "MOTO: Mail Order-Telephone Order". Using this service requires Internet access, phone, as well as a real office of the company performing trade transactions.

The payment acceptance procedure is very simple:
  1. Authorization at the Virtual Terminal of the acquiring system via the Internet
  2. Sending an order to debit funds from the client's plastic card to the acquirer's certified call-center.
  3. Replenishment of the Merchant Account balance in real-time immediately after the write-off of funds from the client's card.

For receiving orders by mail or telephone

Merchant Account for receiving orders by mail or telephone

Merchant acquiring for small and medium-sized businesses with Visa/MasterCard can be performed by mail or telephone without creating a web-site, which is currently the easiest and fastest way to organize payments. In international payment systems, this type of acquiring transaction is called "MOTO: Mail Order-Telephone Order". Using this service requires Internet access, phone, as well as a real office of the company performing trade transactions.

The payment acceptance procedure is very simple:
  1. Authorization at the Virtual Terminal of the acquiring system via the Internet
  2. Sending an order to debit funds from the client's plastic card to the acquirer's certified call-center.
  3. Replenishment of the Merchant Account balance in real-time immediately after the write-off of funds from the client's card.
Basic set of documents
  1. Documents for the account manager: passport, document confirming residence and certificate from the bank.
  2. Documents of legal entity: registration certificate, articles of association, founding agreement, resolution on appointment of director, power of attorney to sign on the account (if connecting to foreign acquiring requires notarization and translation).
  3. Brief business plan: description of product/service, average amount of transaction, expected number of transactions per week/month, physical address of organization.
Basic set of documents
  1. Documents for the account manager: passport, document confirming residence and certificate from the bank.
  2. Documents of legal entity: registration certificate, articles of association, founding agreement, resolution on appointment of director, power of attorney to sign on the account (if connecting to foreign acquiring requires notarization and translation).
  3. Brief business plan: description of product/service, average amount of transaction, expected number of transactions per week/month, physical address of organization.
Decisions for all merchant accounts can be made for a legal entity incorporated in a classic offshore zone or in the European Union
Most of goods and services offered for payment over the Internet represent no risk for cardholders and acquiring banks servicing payments to lose money from fraudsters and unscrupulous businessmen. Most banks consider the connection of Internet stores selling such goods to be the least expensive and the most attractive. The adjective "low-risk" or "low-risk" is applied to such goods and services in e-commerce. The main indicator by which a product can be attributed to this group is the extremely low percentage of dissatisfied customers claiming their funds for refunds.

Lawson&Wang experts will help you to define your goods in the necessary category, collect all necessary documentation and to connect the cheapest and most rating acquirer bank for Internet payments, as well as by other means of electronic payments (web-money, PayPal, sms-billing, etc.).
For goods and services commonly used in online commerce
Merchant Account for goods and services commonly used in online commerce

For goods and services commonly used in online commerce

Merchant Account for goods and services commonly used in online commerce

Most of goods and services offered for payment over the Internet represent no risk for cardholders and acquiring banks servicing payments to lose money from fraudsters and unscrupulous businessmen. Most banks consider the connection of Internet stores selling such goods to be the least expensive and the most attractive. The adjective "low-risk" or "low-risk" is applied to such goods and services in e-commerce. The main indicator by which a product can be attributed to this group is the extremely low percentage of dissatisfied customers claiming their funds for refunds.

Lawson&Wang experts will help you to define your goods in the necessary category, collect all necessary documentation and to connect the cheapest and most rating acquirer bank for Internet payments, as well as by other means of electronic payments (web-money, PayPal, sms-billing, etc.).
Basic set of documents
  1. Documents for account manager: passport, document confirming residence and certificate from the bank.
  2. Documents of legal entity: registration certificate, articles of association, founding agreement, director appointment resolution, power of attorney for account signatory (if connecting to foreign acquiring, notarization and translation required).
  3. Short business plan: description of product/service, average transaction amount, expected number of transactions per week/month, physical address of organization.
If you have a payment history, you need a bank statement and a screenshot of the page proving the ownership of the website.
Basic set of documents
  1. Documents for account manager: passport, document confirming residence and certificate from the bank.
  2. Documents of legal entity: registration certificate, articles of association, founding agreement, director appointment resolution, power of attorney for account signatory (if connecting to foreign acquiring, notarization and translation required).
  3. Short business plan: description of product/service, average transaction amount, expected number of transactions per week/month, physical address of organization.
If you have a payment history, you need a bank statement and a screenshot of the page proving the ownership of the website.
Decisions for all merchant accounts can be made for a legal entity incorporated in a classic offshore zone or in the European Union
Main features of Merchant Account

Main features of Merchant Account

A Merchant Account is a type of bank account regulated by the rules and regulations of the card associations within which it operates (Visa, Master Card, Diners Club, American Express). Merchant Account allows you to accept payments for goods/services purchased from you by credit or debit cards of your customers.

Each Merchant Account opening is accompanied by a unique personal number - Merchant ID, unified for all payment systems (Visa, MasterCard, American Express etc.). Merchant ID is an identifier of Merchant payment history.
A Merchant Account is a type of bank account regulated by the rules and regulations of the card associations within which it operates (Visa, Master Card, Diners Club, American Express). Merchant Account allows you to accept payments for goods/services purchased from you by credit or debit cards of your customers.

Each Merchant Account opening is accompanied by a unique personal number - Merchant ID, unified for all payment systems (Visa, MasterCard, American Express etc.). Merchant ID is an identifier of Merchant payment history.
There are two fundamentally different types of Merchant Accounts and Acquiring:
Merchant Merchant Account
To carry out acquiring by installing a payment terminal (POS-terminal) at retail or wholesale locations.
Internet Merchant Account
For Internet acquiring with use of web-interface that allows to make payments in Internet stores.
Merchant Merchant Account
To carry out acquiring by installing a payment terminal (POS-terminal) at retail or wholesale locations.
Internet Merchant Account
For Internet acquiring with use of web-interface that allows to make payments in Internet stores.
  1. Full description of the Merchant's goods, works and services.
  2. Terms, procedure, terms, regions of delivery of goods (services, works).
  3. Terms and procedure of refunds.
  4. All the pages connected to the Merchant's sale of goods, works, services and/or other assets should be under a single domain name. However, if the Merchant is not the person to whom the domain name of the site it uses is registered, the Merchant must provide documents confirming the legal basis for its use of the site in question.
  5. The site shall be maintained in working order. All internal links on the site must be operational and workable requests.
  6. Have the following information about Merchant: full company name, tax number, legal and actual addresses, telephone and e-mail address.
  7. The Site should not contain information (text, graphic or any other kind), the distribution of which is contrary to applicable law or standards of morality and morality, as well as links to sites that contain such information.
  8. Such information includes, for example, propaganda in any form of violence, drugs, terrorism, ethnic discord, prostitution, etc.
  1. Full description of the Merchant's goods, works and services.
  2. Terms, procedure, terms, regions of delivery of goods (services, works).
  3. Terms and procedure of refunds.
  4. All the pages connected to the Merchant's sale of goods, works, services and/or other assets should be under a single domain name. However, if the Merchant is not the person to whom the domain name of the site it uses is registered, the Merchant must provide documents confirming the legal basis for its use of the site in question.
  5. The site shall be maintained in working order. All internal links on the site must be operational and workable requests.
  6. Have the following information about Merchant: full company name, tax number, legal and actual addresses, telephone and e-mail address.
  7. The Site should not contain information (text, graphic or any other kind), the distribution of which is contrary to applicable law or standards of morality and morality, as well as links to sites that contain such information.
  8. Such information includes, for example, propaganda in any form of violence, drugs, terrorism, ethnic discord, prostitution, etc.